Did Pope Francis just say that evangelization is “nonsense”? 8 things to know and share |Blogs | NCRegister.com

Pope Francis has given a new interview to the Italian journalist and atheist Eugenio Scalfari.Some of the things he said are already raising eyebrows, including remarks he made about trying to convert people.Here are 8 things to know and share . . . 1 How did this interview come about?It’s an outgrowth of a previous written exchange that Pope Francis had with Scalfari.At that time, Scalfari said that he hoped at some point to meet the pope to engage in dialogue, so the Pope picked up the phone and arranged a meeting between them.You can read the full text of the interview here.Reportage from Edward Pentin here. 2 Are there reasons for caution in reading this interview?Yes. First, the interview is written partly as narrative, and it is not clear how accurate the pope’s words are or if the context they are set in is complete.Unlike the recent interview the Pope did with La Civilta Cattolica, we do not have an indication that the Pope reviewed the Italian text prior to publication to ensure that it represented his views without distortion.Second, there is the matter of how good the translation is.Problems with the translation are already being reported.

via Did Pope Francis just say that evangelization is “nonsense”? 8 things to know and share |Blogs | NCRegister.com.