That Was the Week That Was

We didn’t attend Mass this morning. Husband slept nearly all day with his cpap and oxygen machines on. I didn’t dare leave him at home unattended-and his aide stayed here with us.The Eucharist minister came & gave me communion. She’s one of my favorites. She always has a smile. She always brings her jeweled box with her and wears the monstrance necklace like Mother Angelica’s. She got it from EWTN. In her box she carries the host,holy water and prayer book. She lets me bless myself with holy water, we pray and she reads the gospel. What she does that none of the other ministers do, is tell me about the homily. She gave me one i needed to hear today. It was about how you can be in a relationship with God but He seems far away. He’s never far away.It’s just us feeling like that sometimes. I am thinking it might even be us keeping Him distant and  not even realizing it.It was probably better we didn’t go under the circumstances. Under normal circumstances  we MUST attend Mass. I have a horrid case of psoriasis and it’s on my scalp(where if i get it at all,that’s where it usually ends up). The heat has brought it on.I have to get t-gel and hope that clears it up.

It’s all you can do to keep from scratching.

Next weekend we’re going to start going to the vigil Mass on Saturday evening. Better we take for granted husband won’t be able to get up or usually he’s so miserable in the mornings there’s no point in trying.


Father Z-rants about Pope Francis off the cuff remarks

One comment at his blog cut to the chase. The Pope is infallible-not impeccable.

I hope most Catholics are catechized well enough to understand that. Unfortunately i don’t think it’s the case in the evangelical world.I travel in those circles. They probably don’t get it. I’m not sure it bodes well for the new evangelization. i’ve defended Pope Francis when he’s been accused of being anything from a socialist to Marxist.I pray he stops talking to the press.Father Z puts it in perspective. Each pontificate is a parenthesis in the long history of the Church. Attend Mass. Go to confession.

                               Time for Speaker Ryan to REALLY support Trump

Resign or Be Replaced

Meaning Ryan needs to support our nominee,Trump, or roll. He’s paying mild lip service. We’re not stupid.I don’t think anything is going to save his butt now. The folks are too angry at him-they weren’t real thrilled with him to begin with. He’s arrogant-i don’t see that he’s going to resign.

These elites really do believe they’re set;nothing to worry about. My husband doesn’t believe they get it. He may be right. Can they really be that out of touch?



                                                                  ~ Happy Father’s Day~

to all the father’s out there, including my own son. I was reminiscing today about his being a little boy. His photos are on my desk;he’s smiling away and there’s that space between his teeth he inherited from mom.He had it capped later. I remember going to class out of town and begging the folks to please put a lock at the top of the basement door.He stayed with Grama and Grampa;and my grandmother was living with them. I had this gut feeling he was going to take his cycle one day and try going down the steps. He did.

Great grandma grabbed him and he didn’t get a scratch. The lock was on the door by the time i got home. One other day mom had a pan on the stove with gravy. He grabbed it and spilled it all over himself. Mom was a nurse’s aide- thank God- and knew enough to get off his shirt

and put cold water on him immediately. It saved  him a lot of scarring and what could have been a problem with his neck. I also remember giving him an earful about going to the ‘swamp’ (for lack of a better word)with his buddies. Well, he didn’t listen(shock)and ended up a very ill little boy with mono. Now he had to curb being active. i thought that was going to be difficult but he was pretty good about it.

He was way ahead in his reading and vocabulary skills. He tested a couple grades ahead. His math skills lacked but he could have worked at them. If he had made the effort i think he would have done just fine. Hiding your homework in the freezer doesn’t cut the ice.

Yes, he did that ONCE. He attended Catholic grade school. The penalty for not doing homework was staying IN after school. He made some adjustments. 🙂

High school was for socializing. I wish now i had my head together at the time and would have home schooled him through junior high.

I did not have my head together. He signed up for the service at 17 before he even graduated. i signed the papers at the recruiting office. He seemed genuinely prepared to enlist.


You have to quit listening to the media. I spend a great deal of time on Twitter. i try to connect with all the Trump supporters. We have to stick together. Unfortunately i think the majority of people get their information from cable news and newsprint. They’re not on social media. They have a limited view of what’s going on and they eat up what they hear. My question is ;how do we get the word out to these people. The Trump supporters are going to stay put. It’s the undecided’s that are being spoon fed trash.

When the time comes we have to get out the vote. I hope we’re able to donate to his campaign too. He’s not getting the help from the party he should be getting. I’m not saying everyone in the party either. There are good ppl on our side.

Many of the ‘Cruzers’ believe all the lies Ted Cruz told them about Trump. Some are joining us-many won’t. I don’t think there’s any convincing them. Ted really got to em. He used psych ops and data mining. We’ve had a handful that have joined us. i honestly don’t know what they will do when it comes to voting. We’re really at a crossroads here to determine the future or the destruction of America. If they thought Obama was terrible,just imagine being stuck with Hillary and then think it was all because  some people couldn’t  get over Ted Cruz. They even think Never Trump might get their guy the nomination. Not going to happen.

We have an uphill battle but we’re going to fight all the way.It’s not bad enough we have too slug it out with Hillary supporters, but then it’s also some in our own party, the media(clearly against Trump)and a whole group of Soros puppets rioting in the streets.

If you’re not with Trump-you’re with her.Actually you’re with them-the anti America groups.

It’s that simple.I’m sorry the blog seems consumed with Trump info but for now it’s the way it’s going to be.

I will say this for Trump. He loves our country. Can’t go wrong with that.

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED READING; Bill O’ Reilly’s Killing Reagan.

I couldn’t put it down. I’m also trying to read Hell to Pay about Hillary Clinton. I would like to getClinton Cash(no idea who the author is) and Crippled America by Donald Trump. I sent my brother a signed copy of Bill’s Killing Jesus for Christmas last year. He never did let me know what he thought about it. I’m not even sure he read it.


I don’t hear much from my brother since mom passed away. I’ve learned not to look like i’m prying too much either. He takes it the wrong way and thinks i need to know a whole account of his life. Not really;but i would like to have a somewhat closer relationship.

I surely don’t like ro guess how he’s doing or have to assume he’s terrific. Drives me nutz.

I live with it because i have to. What choice is there?

There’s a lot of things you learn to live with. What’s the alternative?

The Orlando Shooting

From Father Z’s blog

I was drafting something along these lines, but Fr. John Hunwicke has expressed also many of the points I wanted to get across (with my emphases and comment):

Those who died in the most truly appalling events at Orlando … may they, through the all-atoning Sacrifice of our most sweet Redeemer and our suffrages, have remission of their sins: we pray this for them as we pray it for all the departed, since as Christians we believe that anyone who claims to be without sin is deceiving himself and the Truth is not in him. This, of course, goes equally for popes and for rent-boys and for you and for me.

Humanly, we may surely hope that many of those killed in a situation which prima facie may have been at least a proximate occasion of mortal sin, may, through their own ignorance, not have had that full knowledge and consent which would render their deeds and intentions as lethal subjectively as they are objectively. It is a sobering thought that it may be easier for us, who are instructed Catholics, to go to Hell than it is for the uninstructed. [And yet it would be a sin not to try to instruct and admonish and counsel.]

And we pray for the wounded; for the families, friends, survivors, witnesses of those who died. Perhaps a particular prayer is appropriate for those who were not aware that their sons or daughters were being drawn into intrinsically disordered actions: parents for whom the horror of so dreadful a bereavement may even be increased by that realisation.

And I think we need to be aware that [NB] the Hierarchs of the Spirit of this Age will use this fearful atrocity for their own purposes. Treating the victims of a deranged murderer as martyrs for a noble cause is likely to become a stock element in the perverted parody of the moral high ground which the Powers of Evil seek to inculcate. And it will become part of a campaign which, if it succeeds, will lead to the increasingly violent persecution of anybody who articulates the teaching of Scripture and of the Catholic Church (Catechism paragraphs 2357 and following). [And also persecution of those who defend civil liberties enshrined in the Constitution of these USA.]


Summary: Catholics don’t hate gays. We don’t wish to see anyone murdered. This was a terrorist attack-and it was not done by Christians. Same sex attraction is disordered and to act on it is morally wrong.It is difficult, but not impossible,to control one’s behavior. It is also not Christian to harm or threaten anyone struggling with same sex attraction. When the liberals attack Christians,Catholics or for that matter conservatives, you have to ask them, when’s the last time they heard of a Christian group committing a terrorist attack?

People with same sex attraction are not the only people capable of committing immoral acts. That’s all of us and many of us had the benefit of a good Catholic upbringing. We have no excuse. So as Father Z says(often)GO TO CONFESSION.

Trump and the other candidate

the one who goes by the slogan,I’m with her

Trump is right. We have to be compassionate but letting illegals and refugees into our country is not an act of compassion. Sorry,but it isn’t even close.Hillary thinks you get votes by pandering. The Republican party thought they could  win by pandering too.

Trump doesn’t pander. Translation: you are not going to get duped this time.

Clinton’s slogan is “I’m with her”
Trump’s platform says, he’s with us.You choose.

Son turned out to be a good husband and father

Couldn’t ask for more.I can’t take the credit either. Grateful.Yes,he was a smart kid.  A handful,but smart.

They look like Tweety Birds

Had to use this meme. They look like Tweety birds. Beautiful night. We had a breeze off the lake all day. No breeze tonight but there’s a clear sky.Tomorrow evening we’re in for some crazy weather-severe storms. Here we go again. Always ready to head for the basement if need be. I hope the aide is still here by the time they hit.Nice to have some help if we need it.That was the week that was.Tired. Ya’ll have a beautiful (safe)night too.

tweety birds