Sorry I didn’t get to post the Arizona Trump Rally

Whenever there is a Trump rally i post the url from any platform or news outlet that is carrying it live. Unfortunately this time my husband was being treated for cellulitis and was running a high fever. Given the circumstances that resulted from his last bout of cellulitis (though that one was far worse)where he spent 3 months hospitalized (total, including nursing home)and open heart surgery we had to keep a close eye on this one. We made sure he got to his pcp as soon as we caught it and began a 10 day antibiotic and aspirin regimen. We sat up all night the night his temperature shot up, debating where he ought to go to the ER. I decided we’d wait a day or two to see if he still had the fever. The fever came down gradually by morning. He’s doing much better now and the cellulitis itself is starting to clear up.Quite a scare. We take cellulitis very seriously now. Lesson learned. I missed posting the Trump rally though. i’ll grab the url this week and post it anyway for those that might have missed it or anyone who wants to watch a replay. It was fantastic. One of his best. Kari Lake was a fantastic speaker herself. Impressive. She’s endorsed by Pres become the next Governor of Arizona. It’s easy to see why.

I’m sorry i didn’t get to post the rally live though. Sure you understand. Tomorrow it WILL be here. i have 3 other blog entries i’m working on simultaneously. I’d like to get those published before the night is over.

i don’t usually write 3 of my own at one time because i’ve never thought of 3 topics at one time. Their they were-bing, bing, bing. Surprised myself.