Blessed Sunday.Howz it going for you?

Eucharistic minister came this morning and gave me communion. My hubbs had a very bad night so i let him sleep. The minister couldn’t stay long-although they usually do-because she had a lot of people to visit today and her  husband is having surgery Tues. She’s worried. It’s cancer.I promised to pray for him. Pls offer a prayer for him if you read this. She’s not worried about the cancer as much as she is concerned about his COPD. If he has to follow up with treatments they are going to be very hard on him.After she left,I watched Mass on EWTN and a few min of In Concert.

I have to write a very important letter today concerning  a matter that came up back in the town we left re the house we left. Love it up here. Love St Gregory’s Church.The people we’ve met. The town is thriving;even though it’s smaller than the previous town. The house is nice;although bigger than we need. Not going to complain though when we were very close to homeless.Better be grateful.Love the breeze from the lake.Love the front porch under the large tree.It’s so large you can barely see the house.We sit there often. Love the sunsets up here.The one thing i am going to have to get used to-if possible-is the trains running through her constantly at all hours. Hubbs shrugs it off. It drives me up a wall but it may be you get accustomed to it when you’ve been here long enough. Good restaurants here and the marina is but 5 min away for hubbs to go fishing-when he can. More than one Italian restaurant. 🙂

I will be  having the letter sent out registered on Monday.No choice.

I also need to lay down.It’s warm and i think sometimes the heat doesn’t help with the symptoms of Meniere’s disease.

Anyone who has an illness probably doesn’t feel well when it’s hot. [Although with some illnesses the heat probably helps.] I dread having to write the letter. It’s going to take some effort and research.I’m in no mood or health and it’s too warm to sit here.

Unfortunately it has to be done. I’d prefer writing a blog entry(God willing,that will come)


I’ve been through a few of the stories on reader. Some good ones especially re Pope Francis.Wish i could get to em now.

Will get the letter and nap out of the way then post  ’em.I’m also going to write a blog about Donald Trump and the Republican field,AGAIN.

Is it getting old? Politics aint pretty are they?

You have a blessed Sunday afternoon.Hope you’re weather is comfy.

Catholic? Hope you were able to attend Mass and/or receive communion!

One last thing;I do not do celebrity stories. At least not too often.Avoid them like the plague.They’re not news. It’s usually a scandal. I also do not do profanity and crude language. Am floored by young people,especially the young ladies,who throw it out there like a street walker. Not impressive.

What kind of man is going to be attracted to a woman with a potty mouth?

Sorry. Gutter talk attracts gutter ppl.

We can do better.

wishing you Sunday blessings

To the Donald Trump Twitter haters (et al) @realDonaldTrump #tcot #WAKEUPAMERICA

Donald Trump entered the race. My hubbs and i gave him a listen. My hubbs decided Trump was the bomb from the beginning. I didn’t jump on the Trump bandwagon right off the bat. Checked things out. Gave him a listen. THEN i got on board.

Now that Trump is in that no 1 spot-to the chagrin of many i’ve discovered-he’s getting hit left and right. He’s the target.

bulls_eye_target_1600_clrThe slams are getting repeated by the haters so let’s talk about them.

First he’s called a racist because he mentioned the words Mexican and illegals in the same speech.

[What the hay.We’re all racists these days anyway.]

The media twisted his words. Perry & Bush in particular went nutz  and the rest of the candidates chimed in.They’re so afraid of losing the Latino vote that if you even mention the word illegal immigrant or alien you’re automatically on the hit list.

He gets a huge crowd in Phoenix Arizona and John McCain decides to take a swipe,only this time it’s at Trump’s supporters as much as at Trump. He called them crazies. I think whacko bird was another term of endearment McCain used for Ted Cruz. Anyway,he called the Trump supporters crazies and Trump hit back.

The McCain comment was a footnote; Trump hits back and the media makes it headline.

Next Gov Perry calls for Trump to drop out. This is what you do to a candidate in double digits who’s at the top of the heap? Tell him to drop out? Let me see: the Fox news debates are only permitting 10 candidates and those have to be the top 10 in the polls. Perry wouldn’t be trying to improve his chances of getting in the top 10 by getting Trump out?

Trump stays in,sticks to his guns and he’s still on the top.

Now the haters REALLY have to rev up their game.
I can’t tell you how many tweets i’ve gotten saying Trump is no conservative and that he donated to Democratic candidates. Yep,he did and also Republican candidates. Trump is a BUSINESSMAN people. He’s not a politician.

Yes, Trump was pro abortion at one time but he went on the record as being pro life some years ago. I would rather someone were pro abortion and became pro life than someone who feigned being pro life and then turned pro abortion.

Reagan-Trump-2See those 2? A young Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan. Our conservative hero,right?





Latest Twitter story about Trump: He blamed the economic crisis on the Republicans and said it wouldn’t happen under the Democrats. I listened to the WHOLE MSNBC interview with the gotcha question:

Here’s what TRUMP really said.This is not verbatim but the paraphrase catches exactly what he was getting at:

1. he admits he was not a big George W Bush fan but he only criticized Bush’s last 2 yr in office

2. he didn’t put all the blame on one party or the other and basically said BOTH were guilty over the years.

3. he did criticize SOME of Bush’s economic policies from his last 2 yr in office.

4. Let’s be honest. The Democrats in Congress played a huge role in the economic crisis that happened in the last yrs of Bush’s term but it’s altogether possible SOME of Bush’s policies contributed. You can’t tell me everyone in the Republican party-particularly conservatives-were real pleased with some of Bush’s decisions.

The haters are going to put up these dishonest headlines and once you get a story going it spreads like wildfire even if it’s not what Trump actually said-let alone meant.

Remember people;it’s the silly season. People have their own agendas. They do stuff like this for a reason.

The next big headline is going to be Trump’s attack on Scott Walker. I see it coming.
Walker called Trump a ‘dum-dum’. It’s going to be a footnote just like the McCain ‘crazies’ but when Trump hits back at Walker THEN it’s going to be a headline.

This is small potatoes compared to what’s coming.Some GOP donors are calling for Trump to be excluded from the Fox debate.even though the deal CLEARLY states one has to be in the top 10. Trump is in first place. Right there,he’s qualified.

“Someone in the party ought to start some sort of petition saying, ‘If Trump’s going to be on the stage, I’m not going to be on there with him,’”  John Jordan told the AP on Monday. “I’m toying with the idea of it.”

 It can’t be any worse than pundits,media,journalists  & haters trying to paint Trump as a non viable serious candidate.He’s winning-i call that serious.

I know everyone wants their candidate to win. I get that.However, It’s totally wrong to work at taking out the top candidate the way the party is. As for the name calling-how bout this? Stop name calling Trump and making snide comments about him. If you’re going to hit him below the belt he’s going to come back. You can dish it out-but you can’t take it. STOP!

As for his plans and politics. Trump is not a political wonk. He’s not going to outline some government program,k?

He’s pretty much laid it out already:

SECURE BORDER,STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.Right there is a plus for the economy.

NEGOTIATE GOOD TRADE DEALS-if anyone can do that Trump can. You get a good deal you bring jobs back to the U.S.

Trump know business and economics.If our country could use such a thing, now’s the time.


I would like to have Trump take it a tad further though:ABOLISH THE IRS,IT’S TOTALLY CORRUPT ANYWAY,DROP THE DEPT OF EDUCATION(let education  be handled locally)and reign in the EPA. FINALLY. GET SCHOOL CHOICE THROUGH CONGRESS(vouchers in the states)

We already know Trump will repeal Obamacare. That’s a given for ANY candidate.

Good start. Have a few top priorities rather than bite off more than one can chew.

THIS Classic Book Now ‘Offensive,’ Liberals Call for Ban

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

From The Telegraph:

It is a world-renowned work of literature and one of the foundation stones of the Italian language, but Dante’s Divine Comedy has been condemned as racist, homophobic, anti-Islamist and anti-Semitic.

The classic work should be removed from school curricula, according to Gherush 92, a human rights organisation which acts as a consultant to UN bodies on racism and discrimination.Dante’s epic is “offensive and discriminatory” and has no place in a modern classroom, said Valentina Sereni, the group’s president.

Divided into three parts – Hell, Purgatory and Heaven – the poem consists of 100 cantos, of which half a dozen were marked out for particular criticism by the group.

It represents Islam as a heresy and Mohammed as a schismatic and refers to Jews as greedy, scheming moneylenders and traitors, Miss Sereni told the Adnkronos news agency.

“The Prophet Mohammed was subjected to a horrific punishment…

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Disturbing.Evil. Unfathomable.

Found dead were parents, David Bever, 52, and April Bever, 44, and three of their children, Daniel, 12, Christopher, 7; and Victoria, 5. Police also found in the home knives and a hatchet that were believed used in the murders.

Fox 23 said officers arrived at the home around 11:30 p.m. Wednesday in response to a 911 call from inside the house.

The station said either Daniel or Christopher made the call.

“(He) actually stated, ‘Please help,’ and (said) their brother was attacking the family. Another male which we believe is one of the two suspects said hello and then hung up,” Broken Arrow Police Department Corporal Leon Calhoun told the station.

via Oklahoma girl, 13, reportedly named brothers as assailants who fatally stabbed parents, 3 sibilngs | Fox News.
NOTE: I will not include the pictures of any of these killers.

I’ve done a lot of terrible things in my life but i could never fathom how one could murder their own parents, children or siblings. Most of us who have lost parents would give anything to have the time with them all over again.

You hear a lot about random murders;evil men who prepare an attack and murder perfect strangers for no apparent reason. Then there’s the murderer who killed the people at the Emmanuel Episcopal church in  Charleston S Carolina just because they were black.None of it makes sense.

The 4th commandment is honor thy father and they mother. No conditions attached.No caveats.

So the 2 boys murdered their own parents and siblings. Thank God the 2 yr old was spared.

Planned Parenthood is another evil i can’t comprehend. The name is a lie.

They’re the largest provider of abortions in the country and have the audacity to promote their services as health care.Another lie.

Abortion is murder. I was not surprised to see the video of the Planned Parenthood ‘doctor’ and  director selling the body parts of the aborted. Think they’ll deny it? Count on it.

We have a lot of lies going on in our country.


(Satan)”was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44).

francis and same sex marriage

 BTW. I’m sure there’s things i’ve done that other people can’t fathom doing themselves. Understood.


Divine Mercy for sinners

Divine Mercy Meditation: Jesus made known to me how very pleasing to Him were prayers of atonement. He said to me, The prayer of a humble and loving soul disarms the anger of My Father and draws down an ocean of blessings.