Suppose President Barack Obama Spent Year 1 Battling ‘Collusion’? by Larry Elder


Imagine how Democrats, the media, academia and Hollywood would have reacted had the newly elected President Barack Obama, America’s first black president, spent the first year of his presidency with his campaign and transition teams under investigation for “collusion” to steal the election.

Imagine if, from the very moment Obama won the election, Republicans reminded the country that Sen. Obama campaigned against what he considered President George W. Bush’s dark, hawkish vision of foreign policy. And that Obama wanted to curry favor with Russia, whose assistance Obama wanted to secure the Iran nuke deal his administration so desperately wanted.
Imagine Obama supporters’ reaction had Republicans, immediately after Obama’s election, pushed the following narrative: Russia wanted Obama to win so Vladimir Putin could get him to reverse the Poland and Czech Republic defense deals Russia strongly opposed. Obama, as president, delivered. (In fact, one of President Obama’s first major foreign policy decisions reversed the missile defense deals Bush 43 negotiated with Poland and the Czech Republic.) So, say the Republicans, Obama was Russia’s guy. Imagine the explosion in this country had Bush’s top intelligence official called the newly elected Obama a Russian “asset” who does Putin’s bidding, just as former National Intelligence Director James Clapper recently described President Donald Trump.

Imagine that Republicans claimed Obama did not earn the presidency: He stole it, used an ancient Jedi mind trick to sucker the American people into walking into that booth and punching that ballot for America’s first black president.

Imagine if cable news televised hearing after hearing where Republicans aggressively questioned Obama officials about “collusion” with the Russians to win the election. Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., often a voice of reason in her party, admitted that in the Trump investigations, so far, she sees no evidence of collusion, let alone illegal collusion. What would she have said if the target were Obama rather than Trump?

Imagine that “after all this time and expense” spent on an Obama collusion investigation, Democrats argue that investigators found no evidence of collusion, but then the investigation shifts. The probe goes from whether Obama worked with Putin to win the election to whether anyone lied to investigators during the investigation – no matter the fact the “lies” had nothing to do with whether illegal collusion occurred.

Imagine how Obama supporters would react to Republicans who first attributed Obama’s win to illegal collusion, but then began saying, “It’s not the crime; it’s the cover-up,” or “It’s the obstruction of justice.” Even more strident Republicans would likely note that the Communist Party USA no longer runs its own candidates for president but now supports Democrats, as they did Obama.

In fact, we really don’t have to imagine. There is a parallel.

Recall how quickly Obama defenders cried racism when Republicans simply expressed policy differences. Actor Morgan Freeman all but called Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., “racist” for, in effect, saying that America will be better off if he works to make Obama a “one-term president.” Obama supporters still cite the “you lie” outburst from Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., as a top exhibit for the “racist” disrespect supposedly accorded the first black president by Republicans. Former President Jimmy Carter even blamed racism for the vociferous opposition to Obamacare, as if there hadn’t been intense opposition against Hillarycare 15 years earlier.

Editorials in virtually every major newspaper would blast an investigation of Obama. Most would call it racially motivated. An avalanche of angry editorials and opinion pieces would attack the “subversive effort to overturn this historic election.” Imagine the outcry from editorials, pundits, former officials, college professors, actors and members of the clergy, demanding to know whether Republicans would go after a white male president with the kind of vengeance as they had this black one, whose very place of birth, they’d say, had been questioned by “birther” Republicans.

Cable TV commentators on CNN and MSNBC would have predicted, and prepared to cover, riots in the streets should Obama be impeached. Black Lives Matter leaders would encourage people to “take to the streets.” Leaders would shout, “They can’t even define ‘collusion.’” “When did trying to get dirt on your opponent become a crime?” “This is nothing more than an attempt by white racists to undo an election because they still cannot believe a black man won.” And on and on.

Every House and Senate Democrat would gather on the steps of the Capitol to show solidarity, denounce the Obama probe and demand the firings of investigators who, in their view, “have shown bias.” Civil rights leaders would call it “political lynching” by a party that wants “to bring back Jim Crow, turn back the clock on civil rights and suppress the black vote.” Leaders would warn of an impending “civil war” if the probe continued.

And then it would get ugly.

just leaving it here
the tax cut and jobs law may be Ryan and McConnell’s one saving grace.They could be redeemable.We’ll see. DACA on the horizon.

the logic of Bernie Goldberg;and other ppl who think the Pres should stay away from Twitter

Bernard Goldberg said that Donald Trump is the President of his base.Well,of course he is*(NO BRAINER)

The base is unwavering.We’re not going anywhere.

The base follows Trump and other members of the #MAGA army on Twitter.We’re not leaving Twitter. We stick together there.It’s one of our main tools.It’s the President’s main tool.

There’s your 30% plus approval rating for Trump.The people who use twitter.The other folks get their information from the main stream media.So I ask you.How smart would it be for Trump to stop using Twitter?

It’s why our approval is strong.We know what’s going on.Now if the rest of the folks would figure out the real deal (and they may one day)you’re talking a whole different picture. Besides,these are the polls of the main stream media. Not exactly trustworthy.

What if he were to give up Twitter?

 For what? To let the main stream media and jerks like Bernie run rough shod over Trump and his supporters?

Bernard thinks he’s relevant.Sorry pal,you don’t get it.

*Bernie may not like it but Donald Trump IS  Pres of the United States and his President.


Trump-Russia Steele Dossier: FBI’s ‘Insurance Policy’ for Clinton Cam…

archived 23 Dec 2017 14:03:47 UTC

Source: Trump-Russia Steele Dossier: FBI’s ‘Insurance Policy’ for Clinton Cam…

I’ve emphasized that last portion because it strongly implies that the FISA application included information from the Steele dossier. That is, when the Post speaks of Page’s purported “other contacts with Russian operatives that have not been publicly disclosed,” this is very likely a reference to the meetings with Sechin and Diveykin that Page denies having had — the meetings described in the dossier. Do not be confused by the fact that, by the time of this Post report, the Steele-dossier allegations had already been disclosed to the public by BuzzFeed (in January 2017). The Post story is talking about what the DOJ and FBI put in the FISA application back in September 2016. At that time, the meetings alleged in the dossier had not been publicly disclosed.

Fox News Chris Wallace Says Republicans Could Lose 50 House Seats ⋆

Chris Wallace said Republicans have reason to be very concerned about 2018.

Source: Fox News Chris Wallace Says Republicans Could Lose 50 House Seats ⋆

I am not sure if Fox News has random drug testing, but I think Chris Wallace needs to be checked out immediately.
After all President Trump’s victories over the last year, Wallace says Republicans will lose up to 50 seats in the mid-term elections.

I am not sure if Fox News has random drug testing, but I think Chris Wallace needs to be checked out immediately.
After all President Trump’s victories over the last year, Wallace says Republicans will lose up to 50 seats in the mid-term elections.
Source: Fox News Insider

On “Shepard Smith Reporting,” Chris Wallace said Republicans have reason to be very concerned about 2018.
He pointed to recent Democratic wins in the Virginia gubernatorial election and the Alabama Senate special election.
“You see a very energized Democratic voter base, especially among suburban women, young people, minorities,” Wallace said.
“We’re an eternity away, it’s 11 months away, but this is going to be a tough election for Republicans,” he said. “And obviously, any effort of the president to pass his agenda would really be put in jeopardy were Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats to take back control of the House.”
This man is on some very trip to make a statement like this.
Trump’s accomplishments (in spite of obstructionists) are overwhelming! Wallace stating that “most Americans are not happy with the tax bill.” Who gave him those talking points. It is definitely not the original Trump proposal, but we are glad to get it! Without Trump, we would not even have this much. Have we forgotten what we would have had with Hillary?

Americans need an alternative to the mainstream media. That’s why we exist. Donate $10 today and help us continue to fight!
I quit watching Fox News a while ago. I can understand ‘balancing’ the news, but rationalizing false premise is not reporting it is entertainment ANNDDD I don’t find crass stupidity entertaining in the least.

I have never put any reliance into anything Chris Wallace says. Listen to him. Listen to other liberal pundits and news channels. Get differing perspectives. Form an educated opinion of your own.
Virginia has been relatively blue for some time now.
The Alabama special election was a blip on the radar. Everyone knows it had unique circumstances involved including questions regarding the possibility of voter fraud (Roy Moore has yet to concede). A very bad Republican candidate barely got defeated by the Dem candidate. Are they excited they won? Of course. But they are nowhere near turning Alabama blue.
The 2018 midterms could be tough on Democrats. Most Americans love the tax cut plan. Next is Welfare reform and illegals out, people off drugs and back to work and responsible for their own actions. Jobs are available.
My opinion? I DON’T BELIEVE THE POLLS! EVERYONE I KNOW or have spoken with on the issue of Trump, that voted for him, is still in support of him.

Don’t forget to follow the Wayne Dupree Show social media accounts on Facebook, Spreaker, iHeartRadio, Google Plus & Twitter.

Wayne Dupree is owner and founder of He was named to the 2017 Newsmax’s 50 Most Influential African-American Republicans. He served in the USAF between 1987-1995. He saw time in Operation Desert Storm/Shield and is the father of three. He is the host of the Wayne Dupree Show.

Breakfast Event Asked for 50 Dad Volunteers — Over 600 Showed Up To Help! ⋆

The idea is a beautiful one with so many children that are fatherless in today’s society and need that strong male role model

Source: Breakfast Event Asked for 50 Dad Volunteers — Over 600 Showed Up To Help! ⋆

Stories like this do not get shared around social media, so I am imploring you to spread this beautiful story and give these men a wave of applause for stepping up.
Dade Middle School in Texas put out a request on Facebook to sign up 50 men who would serve as Dads during their breakfast event. What they got in response was over 600 and a system that was shut down due to so many responses.